The story introduces Schuyler Van Alen, an outcast in Duchesne School. Schuyler (Sky-ler) is a small, dark-haired fifteen year old girl whose bright blue eyes were ringed with black smoky circles. She drowns herself into layers and layers of mismatched clothing: cardigans, long skirts, leggings, boots, all in dark color. Due to her manner of dressing, no one realizes how beautiful she actually was except for two boys who were very fond of her.
This is how I imagine Schuyler to look like.
Schuyler, nicknamed Sky, treasures her friends, who were no more than four, and her family. Her family mostly composed of her grandmother and guardian, Cordelia Van Alen, her comatosed mother, Gabriel Van Alen, a human father and a grandfather that had gone missing.
One my favorite lines in this book was this:
No matter how overused or abused it was, sorry was still a powerful word. Powerful enough to make her best friend talk to her again.
To know what paths Schuyler and her friends venture, read Blue Bloods, a story where Melissa de la Cruz lived to tell.